Sunday 27 October 2013

Bioceramic FIR Health Card to strengthen heart function and improves blood circulation


Functions :

Expands blood vessels, enhances blood circulation, strengthens heart function and improves the symptom of blood shortage induced angina pectoris.
Effectively improves short blood supply induced vertigo and suffocation.
Restrains thrombosis.
Effectively alleviates the attack of cardiovascular.

Scope of application:
Can be used to prevent Coronory heart disease, angina pectoris, myocardosis, chronic heart failure and other cardiovascular disease. Myocarditis, congenital cardiopathy, rheumatic cardiopathy, premature heartbeat, arrhythmia, etc.

 The only source of our energy is sun. On one side of the visible light spectrum is ultraviolet rays and is harmful to health and on the other side is  infra red rays. In the infra red spectrum, rays with a wave length of 4 -16 micron is  called FAR INFRA RED RAY (FIR) and it is aptly named as "LIGHT OF LIFE",  the source of energy of all living beings on earth. It is the light spectrum that our body absorbs from sun light. It is abundant in morning and evening sun and that is why suryanamaskara is recommended in the early morning and evening. FIR has vast penetrating and healing powers. The first dress an astronaut wearing is lined with bio ceramic inside !.  Bio ceramic was first used by astronauts to prevent symptoms due to lack of sun light energy inside space shuttle. Now the same technology is within your reach !.
Today's life style vastly differ  from that of our ancestors. In those times, they worked and lived under the sun, thus they were able to build a greater body resistance as compared to us. They obtained drinking water directly from  lakes , pools and wells, which most of us would not dare to try today. Human beings have distanced themselves as far as possible from sunlight. Insufficient exposure to sunlight decreases the functions of the blood circulation and lymphocinesia in our body. The body becomes weaker and would be subjected to various ailments and diseases.
Substituted by Bio ceramics, which produces Far infra red rays :  26 types of ceramics mixed with certain oxides and preheated to 1600 degree C and shaped into bio ceramic products to heal various ailments. Get protected by FIR and get rid of all ailments.  Our products are from an ISO 9001 certified company and conforms to international standards.
The Far Infrared Rays (FIR) produced by bio ceramic enhance the body’s micro-circulatory system, strengthens the body' metabolic system & improves body resistance. To know more about Bioceramic and FIR, click here.

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